Andalan69 is a blog about the environment, agriculture and technology. The aim of this blog is to provide information to the public and make science accessible to everyone. The blog will be updated regularly and has no political agenda.
Penelitian ini adalah perhitungan debit inflow dan kebutuhan irigasi di Waduk Wonogiri, menemukan pola operasi waduk, faktor K rata-rata, rotasi irigasi sebagai giliran terhadap tampungan irigasi.
1. Irigasi Bendung Dumpil
Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat (PUPR) telah memulai membawa dua bendung baru di Kecamatan Klambu, Grobogan, Jateng. Bendung tersebut memiliki kapasitas tampung 310 hektar lahan pertanian, penggandaraan air baku di Kecamatan Kupang, pergi bersama dengan irigasi yang mencapai sebesar Rp 1,9 trilun.
Petani asal Desa Penganten, Kecamatan Klambu, mengatakan musim tanam sudah mundur karena senjata pengairan irigasi terhadap mereka. “Menyebabkan kami adalah pengairan irigasi sebelum musim tanam, meskipun sebagian besar orang sudah memanfaatkan irigasi di kota tersebut”, kata Sobirin (42).
During the drought caused by the El Nino phenomenon, petani resorted to tapping water from the Irigasi Bendung Dumpil. The irigasi is a reservoir of rainwater from the slope of Mount Dumpil in Bogor, West Java. The irigasi is managed by PT Waskita Karya and has an installed capacity of 282 million cubic meters. It is also equipped with a siphon irigasi, a water treatment plant, a pumping station, and other facilities to supply clean drinking water for the public. The irigasi has been operated for several years. But it is not able to meet the demand for drinking water during the dry season. The government has decided to increase its capacity by constructing a water storage tank. The government will also invest in the construction and rehabilitasi of a water transmission ring.
3. Waduk Wonogiri
Wonogiri is a waduk located in the kebanyakan daerah aliran Sungai Bengawan Solo. It was built since 1964 as the proyek waduk serbaguna tersebut. Its master plan was drafted in 1972-1974 with the help of Overseas Technical Cooperation from Japan. Despite its good management, the water reservoir is prone to sedimentation, which in turn caused by the change in abiotic and biotic factors.
The local government is taking action to mitigate the situation by implementing various programs, including pemimpinan di Kabupaten Wonogiri berskala nasional, pemutakhiran data desa (PED) berbasis Sustainable Development Goals, tindakan korban pekerja berskala nasional, pengelola kawasan yang tercepat, industri kapal yang tepat, program konvergensi keluarga yang kerja sama, tata kelola energi yang tepat, pencapaian dan masih banyak seluruh pemerintah.
The Gajah Mungkur reservoir is a man-made lake occupying 8800 ha in the town of Wonogiri, Central Java. It was constructed by damming the Bengawan Solo River and its tributaries. The reservoir is a habitat for many kinds of fish. The diversity of fish species in the inlet and outlet areas of Gajah Mungkur reservoir has been influenced by abiotic and biotic factors. This study aims to analyze the abiotic and biotic factors that influence the diversity of fish species in the Gajah Mungkur reservoir.
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