Virtual life drawing involves a group of art students gathered around a professional nude model online. Fun games break the ice and tuition is provided as you draw the figure before you.
The female nude has been a staple of Western art for centuries. Whether as the humble Eve or the Libertine Venus, she is one of painting’s most iconic figures.
Sex Work and Feminism
Feminism is a political and personal perspective that argues everyone should have equal political, economic and social rights. Its most famous argument is that women deserve equal pay for work of equivalent value, but it has extended to other issues as well, such as the right to abortion and sex outside marriage.
Feminists have also applied philosophical concepts to consider the ethics of sex work. Many philosophers have analyzed how markets in sexually explicit materials and services harm women as individuals and as a group. Using concepts from moral philosophy and philosophy of language, feminist philosophers have debated whether such material should be banned.
In contrast, liberal feminists argue that prostitutes should be recognised as legitimate workers and that reclaiming prostitution from its disreputable associations will help to advance their security, reduce stigmatization and increase public respect for them. In this way, it will be possible to address the exploitation that they are frequently subject to and prevent them from becoming victims of crime (Jeffreys 2009: 314).
The Feminist Sex Wars
The feminist movements of the 1970s and 1980s were marked by passionate debates surrounding sexuality, pornography, and the sex industry. These debates came to be known as the feminist sex wars, and they significantly shaped contemporary discussions of prostitution and commercial sex work.
Anti-pornography feminists, who supported an ordinance that would allow women harmed by pornography to sue for compensation, argued that pornography objectified female bodies and promoted men’s violence against women. In contrast, pro-pornography feminists, who viewed women’s participation in pornographic sex as an avenue to pleasure and power, criticized anti-pornography feminists for sexual puritanism and moral authoritarianism.
These arguments were framed by the theoretical framework of radical or liberal feminism. Bracewell argues that the sex wars led to the development of a “milquetoast” pro-porn feminism that, in her view, lost its radical, anti-porn, and anti-capitalist roots and became more concerned with defending men’s due process rights than cultivating sexual countercultures. In the end, both sides were criticized for failing to address broader structural problems in society.
Sex Work as a Job
Despite its controversial nature, sex work is legitimate labor. Recently, a woman who proudly listed her sex work experience on LinkedIn was applauded instead of mocked by netizens. This is a testament to how much the people who perform this labor are able to change the way others view them.
Similarly, a film such as Live Nude Girls presents sex workers as admirable. The dancers at the Lusty Lady unionize in order to combat low wages, discriminatory hiring practices, and inadequate protection from abusive clients.
The film also points out the intersection between feminism and the labor movement. While anti-pornography feminists such as Wallace decry the structural abuse that pervades sex industry institutions, they are unable to see how these women can view their work as empowering. These women are someone’s daughter, sister, even mother. They must be treated with dignity and respect. This can only happen when sex workers are recognised as professionals. Until then, their fight will continue.
Sex Work as Art
The film opens with Georgina (Lora Zane) hosting a group of women in their early thirties. The conversation is mundane, pleasant and straightforward—nothing earthshattering happens as the girls talk about their relationships, work, and sex.
This is not a documentary, but rather a meditation on the complicated interconnections between art and sex work. Giovannitti compares the metaphorical and affective stakes of these industries, addressing how expectations of intimacy and creativity intersect with workers’ rights and autonomy within late-stage capitalism.
For example, a sex worker who goes by the name Raging FemBot started an Instagram page where she illustrates her trials and tribulations in the industry with her artwork. Although her pages attract hateful comments from non-sex workers, she says that her artistic practice helps her navigate her sex worker persona.
Another sex worker artist, Jenna Arredondo, creates zines that explore empty bedrooms and botanica culture. She says that her sex worker schedule gives her the flexibility to work on her art during the night shift and that creating artwork humanises her.
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